Wednesday, May 7, 2008

DaY .TrEs

I am sitting at Panera Bread with an ice-cold lemonade enjoying the beautiful weather. The good thing about leaving so early for work in the morning is not having to deal with the Boston commuters and I get out early enough to enjoy sunny afternoons like today. I arrived at work with the phones already ringing and listeners begging for more Celtics tickets for tomorrow’s game. My skills with the phones are improving everyday and it’s making Creepy Steve’s life much easier. The big give-away on today’s show was the Spirit of Boston cruise on mother’s day. After we had given the tickets away I heard the wrath from several women who claimed to have needed the tickets much more than the winner.
When a big celebrity is calling in to the studio there is a special hot line that they call and a flashing light goes off to alert all the crew on the morning show. I learned today when the light goes off, put the person you are currently on the phone with on hold, and go right to the hot line. Apparently the celebrities don’t have much patience. I saw the light, put my caller on hold, and spoke to my first celebrity. Don Orsillo, the official voice of the Red Sox, was calling for his routine Wednesday update with Lander and crew. I introduced myself as the intern and he was very kind. Although it was a mere thirty-second chat, if I can even call it that, it was magical.


shirley said...

Hi Britt, nice explanation of how the guest gets attention. I guess you're learning how to be a diplomat as well as you calm irate listeners down. Keep up the good work!

Scott A. said...

When's RemDog calling in? Sounds like a great project Britt.


Anonymous said...

Was that Chris that called in about the "J's" in the name...or was it Andrew?? it sounds like you are doing a great job. We can't wait to hear more about it when you get home!
The Turner's

Madde Fan said...

i'm so happy you had a... magical experience bree. te amo.