Tuesday, May 6, 2008

... DOS

Kelly, Katie Winter,
and Lander after the interview in the back studio!

I was happy I went to bed last night at 9:00 because it was another early morning. The crew at the station tells me my body will adjust soon enough. Today started with the trivia question, “ What do Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Jessica Simpson all have in common?” I actually did get some callers that thought the answer was the “J” in their names, but they soon found out it was that all those “J’s” dated John Mayer. During the second hour of the show the phones were ringing off the hook because Lander was giving away Celtic tickets to tonight’s game at the Garden. The morning show wrapped up at 9:00 am and Erin O’Malley took over. I helped Steve with the Mix website and learned how to send clips from the show via e-mail. I headed to the back studio to listen in on an interview with Mary Hart, the host of Entertainment Weekly, which will air tomorrow morning. At 10:15 Katie Winter, a competitor in College Jeopardy from Tufts University, came to the studio for an interview. She filled us in that the show will air on channel 38 on Thursday but wasn’t able to tell us if she won the $100,000. Tomorrow we will hear from the official voice of the Red Sox, Don Orsillo!!

Click here to tune in!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Britt! Pretty impressive! We enjoyed reading your blog. It sounds like an exciting experience. Enjoy every minute of it. I think John Lander should have mentioned the time you played a trick on Bernadette when you first got accepted at Proctor 4 years ago! Keep up the good work! Love Mrs. Logan

Lindsey Allenby said...

Britt! Your blog looks great and your project sounds so awesome! I'm sure you'll have a blast and learn a ton! I'll keep checking it out to stay up to date! Good luck with everything!

shirley said...

Hi Britt...here's my second try, the first disappeared!! I'm enjoying your blogs; it sounds like you're having a great time and learning lots about the radio show. Just reminders, you're addressing nicely Goal #2..hope you're doing step 2 as well. Don't forget to be working on your questions for the up close and personal Lander interview. Have fun with Goal #3 and the GUESTS!! I hope this doesn't sound too academic; I'm just trying to keep you focused on the goals and ultimately your presentation. Looking forward to today's blog. You're doing a great job!! Shirley