Thursday, May 15, 2008

JuVes! (Thursday x2!)*

I’m back at my little café in the center of Dedham, feeling exhausted. Another day gone by and its Friday again tomorrow! Before I know it my internship will be over and I will be missing the creepy sound of Steve’s voice. Today was kicked off with callers begging for Red Sox tickets that were generously given to the station from the president of the 99 Restaurants. Lander announced when he re-played the interview with Don Orsillo it was the cue to call. The phone was ringing off the hook, for a good reason too! Along with giving away tickets, the station will be giving away Manny Ramirez baseball bats when he hits his 500th homerun! I hope I will be able to get a peek at one of those bats! Because it was big money Thursday (I chose not to wear green today) callers won DOUBLE the money. I was pleased, once again, when we got a winner from Nashua! In the back studio the star from my favorite Chronicles of Narnia, the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe called in, William Moseley, who plays Peter. Unfortunately his phone connection wasn’t great and we might not be able to air the interview. Lander threw me a curve ball when he asked me to set up a Nutcracker. I called one of women who had sent in an e-mail suggesting to do one on her soon to be husband. I played the receptionist at Mr. Tux and had accidentally sent his tux to Atlanta, Georgia rather than Massachusetts. Unfortunately he knew right away because his fiancée had told him she was thinking of doing a prank on him. It was still very cool to know that Lander trusted me with one of his world famous Nutcrackers. Tomorrow’s Friday and another week has flown by!

.. Until tomorrow ......PEACE!

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