Friday, May 16, 2008

FRidAy! :0) *

Another week, GONE!
I can't believe just one more week left, I also can't believe I got to work on time today. My alarm didn't go off and I woke up to Stanely the dog scraping at my door. I managed to throw on some clothes and make it to work one minute early! I think today was the BIGGEST give away day we have had so far. Lander started with $200 right off the bat for beat the bomb and pop culture SAT with Kara from Bishop Guertin High School in Nashua who also won $200! One of Kara's questions was " What is the most popular graduation present?" Some may think a car (Patty Danserau...) but the correct answer was MoNEy! After Lander cued Bon Jovi telling the listeners to call in to win not only tickets to his show, but to get ON STAGE I have never seen the phone lines so jammed. Steve helped me deal with some unhappy callers who claimed they deserved the tickets more than our winner, but Creepy took care of them! Following the BON JOVI tickets Lander played the air horn which cued the listeners to call in for CELTICS TIX, another thing that callers would do ANYTHING for. " Mix is going GREEN!" Lander says. In the back studio we hooked up the TV and recorded some of Ellen's show. She made her announcement she will be getting married. This has made big news, and the morning crew will be all over it on Monday morning. I can't wait until Monday because the hit band " AUGUSTINA" is coming in to the mix lounge to play and I will have the chance to meet them and hear some of their new music. Until THEN ...

Have a great WEEKEND!

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