Sunday, May 25, 2008

LaSt PoSt! :(

Weekend Post
Sunday, May 25, 2008

I am sitting at my computer at home, going through all my pictures and looking at my final project and cannot believe three weeks have gone by. Only one week away from graduating high school and it feels like I was a freshman yesterday. I am so happy I had the opportunity to work at Mix 98.5 and get a feel for the broadcasting industry.
My final week seemed to fly by. It was sad knowing on Monday that Friday was my last day. I was just starting to get to know the morning crew very well and get into the routine of things and not feel so much like the intern. I learnt so much over the three weeks that I have to thank Creepy Steve for. When Lander, Kelly, and Alicia were too busy to show me how to send clips or move furniture for food drop off’s Steve was always the one who showed me all the ropes of the studio. I learned that cheez-its at 7:45 AM is okay and three cups of coffee in a two hour period is also okay.
It was a sad goodbye on Friday, but it ended on a great note. Alicia and Lander did a successful Nutcracker and we all left the studio with smiles. I was very happy when Lander and the crew asked me to come back this summer. I know I will defiantly stop by the studio and would love to help out whenever they need help. I know I won’t miss the early mornings, but I will miss that hilarious morning crew that could put a smile on my face at 5:30 AM.


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