Monday, May 12, 2008

LUNES..* (week TWO!)

Wow! Another Monday and lots of exciting things happened. My day started out with me being locked out of the Mix building because Creepy Steve (who usually lets me in) was working on the technical aspect of the show because Alicia Love was not there. There was a lot of chaos by the time I was let in and a sigh of relief from Kelly so she could take care of her job and I took care of the phones for the first time without Creepy. I was happy when I got a caller from my hood, NASHUA and he won $200 for answering one of Lander’s trivia. I think I am really starting to get the hang of things at the studio and starting to love the fast paced broadcasting industry. After the morning show wrapped up I headed to the back studio, as usual, for interviews and recording for tomorrows show. Kelly had to run to the Celtic headquarters to work on promotions for the station, so it was just Creepy, Lander and I in the back studio. I was very nervous when Lander let me know I was going to be in the six o’clock hour. I wrote down everything I wanted to say which includes Sex and City, Celtics, and the interview with Dave Navarro. Steve helped clean up some of my nervous comments with the beauty of editing and it sounds great, so listen around 6:15 am (if your awake) to hear the intern! After we recorded the six o’clock hour the fun did not stop. Dave Navarro, who started out with the Red Hot Chili Peppers and his now ex-wife Carmen Elektra had their own reality show on MTV, "Till Death do us Part", called in and I got to talk to him on the phone and take part of the interview. He was very kind and that will air in the seven o’clock hour tomorrow morning. At 11:45 I got a call from Proctor Academy’s very own, Ms. Hillary Creed who played SAT pop Culture and won $200! Hillary playing will air tomorrow at 7:15 AM, listen to her get all the questions right and hear her comments on Hillary Clinton. Tune in tomorrow at 98.5 or on the web to hear Hillary win $200 and my interview with Dave Navarro & chat with Lander & Creepy!


Anonymous said...

Britt, You continue to amaze me with your energy. Good job. Say hello to Lander and creepy from me . Love you . Mamma

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've found the perfect situation fro your enthusiam for...everything!

Anonymous said...

You certainly are putting in a lot of time, talent and energy into your project! Keep up the good work!