Sunday, May 11, 2008


I can’t believe that my first week is over and tomorrow begins my second week in the broadcasting industry! I have learned so much in just one week. The first thing I learned when I stepped into the studio was caffeine is a necessity. With the help of Creepy Steve I learned how to man the phones and computers to relay messages to Lander, Kelly, and Alicia. Through the week I made some “typical” intern mistakes according to Steve, like hanging up on somebody and confusing the phone lines, but I learnt from my mistakes and am prepared for my upcoming week. The radio industry is one that every person relies on for quick information, a good song, or to brighten up your day. Knowing this, I found out it was my responsibility to be aware of all current news stories from politics, world events and sports. I must have a full understanding of events as well as reasons to support my opinions on certain subjects. The morning show is fast paced and requires multi-tasking. I have to be prepared to answer questions from callers and sometimes deal with complaints, which requires quick smart thinking. I learned through observation in the back studio what is required to prepare for a good interview. The first and most obvious is preparation. Both Lander and Kelly write out questions and read up on who ever the interviewee is. The second is have questions prepared in case the interviewee is not talkative or short on answering questions, which luckily did not happen in the past week. Steve helped to teach me what goes into designing the daily website and sending clips from the show to either people who called in or businesses. I have learned the basics of editing before the show but starting tomorrow will learn more of the editing aspect. I am very excited to continue in learning more about the broadcasting field in the next two weeks of my internship.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Britt, I am loving reading your blog. You make me wish I could be there!!