Monday, May 19, 2008

JuSt AnoTheR MaNic MonDaY!

Augustana getting set up to play in the back studio

Just another manic monday indeed. The morning show kicked off with beat the bomb early in the six o'clock hour. The show worked a little differntly today because the show was more topic based rather than random subjects and talk. The topic of discussion was the high school seniors in a town in Massachusets. Every senior wants a t-shirt to walk away with weather it be " SENIORS 08' ", "BOW DOWN TO THE GREAT 08' " or another catchy phrase. One of the high school seniors t-shirts was " Class of .08', we push the limit." The phones were ringing off the hook with parents and students alike. The opinions varied, but the overall outcome was about 50/50. The kids are just having a fun shirt and they are not promoting drinking, and the opposite the kids aren't taking drinking seriously and this is why there are so many deaths amoung teen's drinking and driving. I won't say my opinion but it was very intersting to hear the opinions of all ages. Lander wanted to hold off on giving away the Bon Jovi tickets to help hype the show up when the date gets closer. We had our winner from Friday morning call in to thank the crew for her Celtics tickets, her voice was pretty much gone but she got her point across. Tomorrow we will be giving away tickets, Lander is going to announce sometime in the 7-8 o'clock hours. At 10 o'clock AUGUSTINA came into the studio! It was so cool. They were very down to earth guys and they played two songs, their hit single, BOSTON and their new song called Sweet & LOW which was great. I got a copy of the interview and recording of the song that I will have for the senior project show. The band is playing at the Paradise tonight and offered us tickets but due to our early mornings, we all thought it would be best to get an early night instead.

Until tomorrow --

Dan Layus, Chris Sachtleben ,
me, and John Vincent!

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