Tuesday, May 20, 2008

:.* TuesDay :.*

Today was another jammed packed day. Lander started with beat the bomb again early in the six o'clock hour followed by new music by Natasha Beddingfield. I learned from Steve today how much the change from CD's to all inter net (i.e. i-tunes) has impacted the radio industry. Representatives of artists are able to send their client's singles via e-mail rather than snail mail which saves a significant amount of money for the record label.
This not only makes the process easier for the artist, but also the radio stations. It is much simpler to manage and organize music in an electronic format than hard compy, takes up less space in the studio, avoids shelves of old CD's and eliminates the requirement to categorize large volumes of music.
During the show Lander asked Steve and I to transfer a recording from last night's Jay Leno show with Simon Cowell, one of the judges from American Idol. I learned how to transfer the audio from the TV to the computer then send it over to Lander and get it on the air all within a ten minute period.
At 7:15 Lander and the crew announced the times to call in for Bon Jovi tickets and the opportunity to get on stage with Bon Jovi himself!
In the 8 o'clock hour, caller 18 won Celtic's tickets and a $100 gift certificate to DJ's restaurant and bar on Friend street. I started my interview sessions with most of the crew today which will appear in my final project. I think I will have a tough time getting an interview with Lander as when I asked him, he told me he has never given an interview in all the years he has worked in the industry. I will have to try and determine simple facts from him in an informal way to add to the project.
Tomorrow the official voice of the Red Sox, Don Orsillo is calling in with an update on the players. I am looking forward to answering the call!


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