Wednesday, May 21, 2008

WEDNESDAY ( x 3!!!!)

It has officially been confirmed, the official voice of the Red Sox, DON ORSILLO, is from our very own NEW HAMPSHIRE! Today was the big day that our favorite Red Sox representative called in and gave Boston the update on the Sox. I answered the hotline and asked him where he grew up. He told me he grew up in North Conway, New Hampshire and was very nice. He filled us in that both the team, himself and of course Manny Ramirez are waiting for the 500th homerun and hoping it happens at Fenway. The station is still waiting for Manny to hit the 500th to give away the two Manny autographed baseball bats.
The show today was jammed packed, we didn't even have time for Beat the Bomb or Pop Culture SAT (the one that Hillary won last week)! The phones were ringing off the hook with callers commenting on American Idol, which David is going to win??? Tomrorow will be even crazier with calls because tonight is the final show and America votes for their IDOL!
In the back studio we attempted three nutcrakers, two were unsucessful and the other one worked but the entire crew felt guilty, we made the victim cry! At 12:45 we got a call from DAN IZZO, the Patriots player with an update on the team. They are all working hard and still recovering from the Superbowl upset, which nobody wanted to talk about.
Tomorrow is big money THURSDAY! Double the Money on BEAT THE BOMB! In the 8 o'clock hour we will be giving away CELTICS' tickets when you hear the air horn. Keep your radio's on and try to win those tickets along with a $100 gift certificate to DJ's on FRIEND Street.


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