Thursday, May 22, 2008

ThUrSdAY!!!! *

One of the first things that I learnt while working at Mix 98.5, and the early morning radio show in general, is eating routines becomes way out of whack. Today at 8:15 AM DJ's at the Garden brought in food for the crew to sample. I never thought that I would be eating mashed potatoes, ribs, and french fries at 8:30 in the morning, but according to the regular crew your body adjusts. When DJ's arrived it was my job to move all the tables into the main studio and carry all transport the food as well. The food was very good. Steve explained to me having connections with restaurant like DJ's is good for the studio. The radio gives DJ's shout outs while DJ's gives the station Celtics tickets and gift certificates. You give some you get some.
I decided to wear green today, because it was BIG MONEY THURSDAY. The station gave out more than $1000 to winners AND Bon Jovi tickets. The big talk on the show today, of course, was American Idol. David Cook won, and most of the callers I spoke with today were very happy. It is pretty clear that David A will also get a record deal and both did a great job. The show closed with Lander giving a teaser for tomorrow's show, more Bon Jovi tickets!
In the back studio I helped Lander prepare for two more Nutcrackers. One was successful and will air later next week. I got more information from both Alicia, Kelly, and Steve, I find it pretty hard to get a lot of info from Lander himself but I have enough information to make my project complete.
Tomorrow is my last day, and I really cannot believe it! It will be sad to say goodbye, but an experience I will remember forever!

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