Sunday, May 25, 2008

LaSt PoSt! :(

Weekend Post
Sunday, May 25, 2008

I am sitting at my computer at home, going through all my pictures and looking at my final project and cannot believe three weeks have gone by. Only one week away from graduating high school and it feels like I was a freshman yesterday. I am so happy I had the opportunity to work at Mix 98.5 and get a feel for the broadcasting industry.
My final week seemed to fly by. It was sad knowing on Monday that Friday was my last day. I was just starting to get to know the morning crew very well and get into the routine of things and not feel so much like the intern. I learnt so much over the three weeks that I have to thank Creepy Steve for. When Lander, Kelly, and Alicia were too busy to show me how to send clips or move furniture for food drop off’s Steve was always the one who showed me all the ropes of the studio. I learned that cheez-its at 7:45 AM is okay and three cups of coffee in a two hour period is also okay.
It was a sad goodbye on Friday, but it ended on a great note. Alicia and Lander did a successful Nutcracker and we all left the studio with smiles. I was very happy when Lander and the crew asked me to come back this summer. I know I will defiantly stop by the studio and would love to help out whenever they need help. I know I won’t miss the early mornings, but I will miss that hilarious morning crew that could put a smile on my face at 5:30 AM.


Friday, May 23, 2008


Wow! I really cannot believe three weeks have gone by. I have learnt so much and met so many great people. I am so thankful I had the opportunity to have a senior project and work at Mix 98.5.
Today was a normal FRIDAY, beat the bomb in the six o'clock hour and callers begging for BonJovi tickets. The rule is caller 18, today the caller was very excited and claimed she would have done anything to get on stage with Bon Jovi, looks like her dream came true!
In the back studio it was sad to work on my last nutcracker (which was VERY successful) and say good bye to the morning crew which I have got to know very well. The entire crew was very kind and asked if I could come back this summer. I loved the industry and will defiantly be visiting 1200 Soldiers Field Road this summer!

Until my weekend post ...


Thursday, May 22, 2008

ThUrSdAY!!!! *

One of the first things that I learnt while working at Mix 98.5, and the early morning radio show in general, is eating routines becomes way out of whack. Today at 8:15 AM DJ's at the Garden brought in food for the crew to sample. I never thought that I would be eating mashed potatoes, ribs, and french fries at 8:30 in the morning, but according to the regular crew your body adjusts. When DJ's arrived it was my job to move all the tables into the main studio and carry all transport the food as well. The food was very good. Steve explained to me having connections with restaurant like DJ's is good for the studio. The radio gives DJ's shout outs while DJ's gives the station Celtics tickets and gift certificates. You give some you get some.
I decided to wear green today, because it was BIG MONEY THURSDAY. The station gave out more than $1000 to winners AND Bon Jovi tickets. The big talk on the show today, of course, was American Idol. David Cook won, and most of the callers I spoke with today were very happy. It is pretty clear that David A will also get a record deal and both did a great job. The show closed with Lander giving a teaser for tomorrow's show, more Bon Jovi tickets!
In the back studio I helped Lander prepare for two more Nutcrackers. One was successful and will air later next week. I got more information from both Alicia, Kelly, and Steve, I find it pretty hard to get a lot of info from Lander himself but I have enough information to make my project complete.
Tomorrow is my last day, and I really cannot believe it! It will be sad to say goodbye, but an experience I will remember forever!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

WEDNESDAY ( x 3!!!!)

It has officially been confirmed, the official voice of the Red Sox, DON ORSILLO, is from our very own NEW HAMPSHIRE! Today was the big day that our favorite Red Sox representative called in and gave Boston the update on the Sox. I answered the hotline and asked him where he grew up. He told me he grew up in North Conway, New Hampshire and was very nice. He filled us in that both the team, himself and of course Manny Ramirez are waiting for the 500th homerun and hoping it happens at Fenway. The station is still waiting for Manny to hit the 500th to give away the two Manny autographed baseball bats.
The show today was jammed packed, we didn't even have time for Beat the Bomb or Pop Culture SAT (the one that Hillary won last week)! The phones were ringing off the hook with callers commenting on American Idol, which David is going to win??? Tomrorow will be even crazier with calls because tonight is the final show and America votes for their IDOL!
In the back studio we attempted three nutcrakers, two were unsucessful and the other one worked but the entire crew felt guilty, we made the victim cry! At 12:45 we got a call from DAN IZZO, the Patriots player with an update on the team. They are all working hard and still recovering from the Superbowl upset, which nobody wanted to talk about.
Tomorrow is big money THURSDAY! Double the Money on BEAT THE BOMB! In the 8 o'clock hour we will be giving away CELTICS' tickets when you hear the air horn. Keep your radio's on and try to win those tickets along with a $100 gift certificate to DJ's on FRIEND Street.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

:.* TuesDay :.*

Today was another jammed packed day. Lander started with beat the bomb again early in the six o'clock hour followed by new music by Natasha Beddingfield. I learned from Steve today how much the change from CD's to all inter net (i.e. i-tunes) has impacted the radio industry. Representatives of artists are able to send their client's singles via e-mail rather than snail mail which saves a significant amount of money for the record label.
This not only makes the process easier for the artist, but also the radio stations. It is much simpler to manage and organize music in an electronic format than hard compy, takes up less space in the studio, avoids shelves of old CD's and eliminates the requirement to categorize large volumes of music.
During the show Lander asked Steve and I to transfer a recording from last night's Jay Leno show with Simon Cowell, one of the judges from American Idol. I learned how to transfer the audio from the TV to the computer then send it over to Lander and get it on the air all within a ten minute period.
At 7:15 Lander and the crew announced the times to call in for Bon Jovi tickets and the opportunity to get on stage with Bon Jovi himself!
In the 8 o'clock hour, caller 18 won Celtic's tickets and a $100 gift certificate to DJ's restaurant and bar on Friend street. I started my interview sessions with most of the crew today which will appear in my final project. I think I will have a tough time getting an interview with Lander as when I asked him, he told me he has never given an interview in all the years he has worked in the industry. I will have to try and determine simple facts from him in an informal way to add to the project.
Tomorrow the official voice of the Red Sox, Don Orsillo is calling in with an update on the players. I am looking forward to answering the call!


Monday, May 19, 2008

JuSt AnoTheR MaNic MonDaY!

Augustana getting set up to play in the back studio

Just another manic monday indeed. The morning show kicked off with beat the bomb early in the six o'clock hour. The show worked a little differntly today because the show was more topic based rather than random subjects and talk. The topic of discussion was the high school seniors in a town in Massachusets. Every senior wants a t-shirt to walk away with weather it be " SENIORS 08' ", "BOW DOWN TO THE GREAT 08' " or another catchy phrase. One of the high school seniors t-shirts was " Class of .08', we push the limit." The phones were ringing off the hook with parents and students alike. The opinions varied, but the overall outcome was about 50/50. The kids are just having a fun shirt and they are not promoting drinking, and the opposite the kids aren't taking drinking seriously and this is why there are so many deaths amoung teen's drinking and driving. I won't say my opinion but it was very intersting to hear the opinions of all ages. Lander wanted to hold off on giving away the Bon Jovi tickets to help hype the show up when the date gets closer. We had our winner from Friday morning call in to thank the crew for her Celtics tickets, her voice was pretty much gone but she got her point across. Tomorrow we will be giving away tickets, Lander is going to announce sometime in the 7-8 o'clock hours. At 10 o'clock AUGUSTINA came into the studio! It was so cool. They were very down to earth guys and they played two songs, their hit single, BOSTON and their new song called Sweet & LOW which was great. I got a copy of the interview and recording of the song that I will have for the senior project show. The band is playing at the Paradise tonight and offered us tickets but due to our early mornings, we all thought it would be best to get an early night instead.

Until tomorrow --

Dan Layus, Chris Sachtleben ,
me, and John Vincent!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

.. WeEkeNd PoSt!*

Heater's kitchen & puppy STAN!

*Its a rainy Sunday but I am so excited for tomorrow to meet my first band- Augustina. This past week went very well, I thought, and I enjoyed every minute. I learned so much from the basic stuff, how to send a fax, to doing a nutcracker. I think Lander asked me to do a nutcracker because he trusted me to not laugh and gather enough information and to get the full experience of working at not any station but especially Mix 98.5. I realized how unique this station is though conversations and comparing other stations. Mix really cares about their listeners and tries to do anything for them. I felt as if I got full exposure to the being on the air this week with my update with Lander on air, interview with Dave Navarro, and doing a nutcracker. My first week I got the feel for more behind the scenes, answering phones, running paper work, and prepping for upcoming stories. I tried to think of a favorite and I decided I liked it all. I love listening to the callers, weather it be good or bad, feeling the rush of finding a great story and giving Lander and crew a quick over view, and the excitement of being on the microphone. I think after these first two weeks I will know not to totally freak out when I meet Augustana an tomorrow. The

people that work at the station are so relaxed about meeting these artists I think it would be beneficial to me knowing this because I wont stick out as the intern ... hopefully. I am doing my interview with Lander and the crew this week in the back studio and I will be preparing more questions to go along with my initial questions stated in my proposal. Unfortunately the station will not allow video cameras, so that part of my project won't be included but everything else will! I cannot believe I am starting my last week. It really has been a great experience and I love the industry.
Until tomorrow's post.


Above: El casa de Heater!